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Car Shapes & Sorting Air Land Water

Car Shapes & Sorting Air Land Water

Car Shapes & Sorting Air Land Water

It's time for shapes. We try every day (me & my 2 and half years toddler) to learn new things and most carefully keep the activities that include his favorite toys or favorite actions.

To prepare the activities I looked for materials for the established themes that I printed, laminated and then cut. To strengthen the shapes I used images with cars, because they are his favorites.

Then I used stickers to distinguish the types of transport that we' ve sorted, on the previously prepared sheets. After doing these activities we played freely with the cars in the parking lot, so overall it was a productive day!

P.s. I've noticed today that he is more pacient after he sleep in the afternoon so I try to do the activities around 5pm, when he gets up!

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Car Shapes & Sorting Air Land Water
May 10, 2020
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