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Columbus Day Craft for Preschoolers

.Sophia Williams
Columbus Day Craft for Preschoolers

Columbus Day is on Monday, October 14th, 2019. While many students may have that day specifically off from school those who do have class (or who want to celebrate the holiday during the rest of the week) can enjoy this fun craft that involves making a hat much like the one Columbus famous wore.

Amberwood Academy, Day Care in Lauderhill, Florida did it with their, "Walkers," class and students loved wearing the hat and pretending a cardboard box with a paper, "Sail," was a ship they captained!

Making Your Own Columbus Hat

You will need blue construction paper, red construction paper, glue, tape, and scissors.

Cut two pieces of blue construction paper into a vaguely triangular-and-oval shape.

Cut a red cross-symbol out of the red construction paper.

Glue the red cross onto whichever part of the blue paper will be the front of that hat.

Carefully tape the two pieces of blue construction paper together so that a hat-shape can be formed and held upon a preschooler's head.

Now your students are ready to pretend they are Columbus!

Click Here for More Paper Craft Ideas!

Columbus Day Craft for Preschoolers
October 12, 2019
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