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Flower Decorating Activity for Kids

.Evelyn Harris
Flower Decorating Activity for Kids

Flower Decorating Activity for Kids

Teachers from Atelier Dayhome shared this fun flower decorating activity that kids can do!

Materials Needed for the Flower Decorating Activity

To do this activity you just need the following:

  • A piece of cardboard
  • Maker
  • Hole punch/a pencil or pen could work too
  • Flowers from the outdoors

How to Do the Flower Decorating Activity

To do this flower decorating activity follow these steps:

  1. Take the piece of cardboard and using your marker, draw a flower vase.
  2. Use your hole punch/pencil or pen to poke holes at the top of the vase (flowers will go in here).
  3. Go outside and look for flowers, dandelions, and anything else that would look good in your vase.
  4. Put the stems in the holes so that the flowers are on display in your vase as a beautiful decoration.
  5. Show off your awesome craft!

Source for Photos: Atelier Dayhome

Flower Decorating Activity for Kids
July 3, 2020
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