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Science Fair Display Ideas For Preschoolers

.Ella Martin
Science Fair Display Ideas For Preschoolers

Science Fair Display Ideas For Preschoolers

At Tiny Turtles Preschool of Jupiter in Jupiter, Florida, they had a wonderful science fair full of displays perfect for toddlers!

Five different classes did experiments which they then illustrated upon cardstock poster boards for everyone else to see.

All of the classes did such an amazing job!

Hot Hair Balloons

The class tested how if they added vinegar to baking soda whether the resulting reaction would make enough hot air to fill the balloon. They also checked with lemon juice and carbonated water. The final result was that it worked with vinegar!

2's Soda Balloon Experiment

The two-year-old class put balloons over cups filled with pop rocks that had soda added. The resulting liquid puffed-up the balloons!

Mini Volcano

This class used blue baking soda along with vinegar to make their own mini volcano!

Toddler Sciene!

The toddlers in this class watched as skittles dissolved in cups of water and turned the clear liquid all kinds of colors.

Pop On Pop

With a name themed like the Dr. Seuss book, "Hop on Pop," this group tested which brands of shampoo were best for blowing bubbles with wands.

Tiny Turtles Preschool of Jupiter


Jupiter, FL, United States


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Science Fair Display Ideas For Preschoolers
March 8, 2020
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