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Shaving Cream Shape Drawing for Toddlers

.Natalie Martinez
Shaving Cream Shape Drawing for Toddlers

Shaving Cream Shape Drawing for Toddlers


At Sneads Ferry Quality Childcare & Preschool they did a fun shape drawing activity with their toddlers involving shaving cream! It was messy and educational fun!

Materials Needed to Do Shaving Cream Shape Drawing

To do your own shaving cream shape drawing you just need the following:

  • A large table you don't mind getting messy
  • Shaving cream
  • smocks/aprons (optional)
  • Flashcards that illustrate shapes (optional)

How to Do Shaving Cream Shape Drawing

  1. First, talk with your toddlers about shapes and the different names ones have depending on how many points they do or do not have.
  2. Cover the table in shaving cream and if you are using smocks/aprons put them on your toddlers.
  3. Say a shape and help the toddlers draw it in the shaving cream if they need assistance--if you have flashcards that illustrate the shape you called-out those can help them know what to draw too.
  4. Keep calling shapes and having them draw in the shaving cream until everyone is done.
  5. Have everyone wash their hands and help clean-up the table!

Source for Photos: Sneads Ferry Quality Childcare & Preschool

Shaving Cream Shape Drawing for Toddlers
June 7, 2020
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