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Squirt Gun Painting Craft

Squirt Gun Painting Craft

Squirt Gun Painting Craft

At North Park Child Care, they did a really fun painting activity! They loaded each of their squirt guns with differently colored paints (that had been watered down a bit) and then squirted them onto canvases to create beautiful works of art.

Materials needed for this craft

To do your own squirt gun painting craft you will need the following:

*A variety of squirt guns

*Paint that has been watered-down to be easier to use

*A table you don't mind getting dirty or which you've covered with a tarp

*An art canvas

How to do this craft

To do this squirt gun painting craft you can follow these steps:

1. Take one color of watered-down paint and pour it into a squirt gun.

2. Pour a different color of paint in a different squirt gun.

3. Pick up the squirt gun with the color you want to use and while standing over your table (so it catches any messes, squirt your water gun at the canvas!

4. Watch as paint squirts onto the canvas and put as much of the color as you want upon it.

5. Use another squirt gun to put a different color of paint on your canvas and repeat using assorted squirt guns until you are done.

6. Wait for the paint to dry.

7. Show everyone your piece of art you made with squirt guns!

Source for photos: North Park Child Care

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Squirt Gun Painting Craft
April 15, 2021
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