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Valentine's Day Craft Ideas for 2021

Valentine's Day Craft Ideas for 2021

Valentine's Day Craft Ideas for 2021

Valentine's Day is a little over a month away. With that in mind, Kiddie Ranch II, LLC had some great crafts themed for the holiday they've done before and you can consider doing with your students this year!

Hearts and hands craft

For this craft, the children cut hearts out of construction paper. Then, they covered their hands in white paint and pressed them upon their hearts. The theme was, "Cold hands," to go with a warm heart!

Crepe paper hearts

To do this craft, the children drew an outline of a heart and then glued on crepe paper to fill it in. The theme was how they, "Love you to pieces," with the, "You," being their friends and family.

Heart bodies

The last craft involved making another construction paper heart and then gluing paper that served as the legs and arms to the hearts--so as to make them look like a body! It illustrated how our hearts are always, "On the run," with their beating in our bodies.

Source for photos: Kiddie Ranch II, LLC

Valentine's Day Craft Ideas for 2021
January 7, 2021
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