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463 days back

With us since:
October 12, 2020
Publications: 4
Comments: 4
Oana Zigman
Phonics - CVC short "a"
This class was focused on the short sound of the letter "a" and just like in the other class we used the Progressive Phonics system which teaches the alphabet SATPIN style and starts blending the letters early on. I consider it a very efficient accelerated reading program and I mainly use it in...


Phonics spelling class - CVC words
My kiddos are deep in their study of phonics. On this occasion, we used the Progressive Phonics system. We focused on the short "e" sound and CVC words that contained the sound. We also reviewed the short "a" sound with CVC words and worked on listening skills by identifying which words belong...


Matching the Furniture to the Right Room in the House
During our English classes on this occasion, the names of rooms we can find in a house, we practiced expressing what each of us likes to do or can do in each house, played some fun games so the kids can have as many chances to express themselves and practice their pronunciation and grammar and...


Flower-themed Homework for the Kiddies
My kids learned all about the parts of a plant and had a tracing sheet as homework and another worksheet where they had to draw the missing parts of the plant and say the words and sentences out loud. they did amazingly well. My class is a bilingual class from a Chinese kindergarten and they are...


Total posts: 4. Read all →

«Rising Star»

«Rising Star»Rising Star Medal. Awarded for user rating over 100.
October 21, 2020

«Lavender blog»

«Lavender blog»Medal «Lavender blog». Awarded for 3 entries in a personal blog.
October 21, 2020

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
October 21, 2020

«Lilac Crystal»

«Lilac Crystal»Medal «Lilac Crystal». Awarded for 1 year by TeachersMag.com
October 18, 2021