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With us since:
February 12, 2021
Publications: 7
Comments: 7
Lacey Clements
Learning my ABCs
So we wanted to pass sometime by while dinner was being fixed. And a quick way to do that was by bringing out the dry erase board and markers. So we decided to start by learning the abcs. I wrote out the letters separately and randomly all over the board. Then I gave the marker and it was now...


Making a Jelly Fish
So we had some left over coffee filters and I discovered a neat way to use one for craft time. My daughter is 2 years old and she really enjoys stuff like this! So we got out the water colors, a glass of water, a paint brush, a coffee filter, and some fun fuzzy pipe cleaners. and we made a...


Learning numbers and colors!
Hey ya'll! So my daughter really likes cats, she likes to paint also. She is 2 yrs old. So I came up with the idea to paint a picture, to learn her numbers and there is even a cat to paint too! For this activity I was teaching her the numbers 1 and 2. So I came up with a fun little way to do...


Spring time bird craft!
Looking forward to Spring time? Here is a fun springtime craft So, my daughter and I already had a bird that we had made one day for craft time. So we were able to use that to go on the nest. So for this craft we made the nest. So I i took a paper plate and because it was pretty...


Playdoh Activity/ Craft
Printable This was a fun activity with playdoh. It kept her busy for a long time. She really enjoyed it . I bought the playdoh from the dollar Tree in a variety of colors. I also had a fuzzy kit pack containing fuzzy balls . etc. I also brought out some eyeballs for her to use and...


A fun way to learn numbers with a PUZZLE
My daughter is learning her numbers so this was a fun way to do it. She is a little over 2 yrs old now. She really likes puppy dogs and kitty cats. So I was able to print this puzzle and for her to do a quick activity while learning. I cut out the puzzle pieces with each number piece....


Cloud with snow flakes falling down
We wanted to make a cloud with snowflakes for a winter theme. So we cut out a circle from a paper plate and glued cotton balls all over the top of the plate and underneath. Then we cut out snowflakes from plain white paper, and my child also wanted to paint the snowflakes different colors. So...


Total posts: 7. Read all →

«Rising Star»

«Rising Star»Rising Star Medal. Awarded for user rating over 100.
March 12, 2021

«Lavender blog»

«Lavender blog»Medal «Lavender blog». Awarded for 3 entries in a personal blog.
March 12, 2021

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
March 5, 2021