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1710 days back

With us since:
June 6, 2020
Publications: 3
Comments: 14
Fine motor with Colorful Popsicle sticks
I love all activities about sensory and motor skills. And my kids love it so much. There's alot of things to play with around the house. Such as : Threading, posting and slotting toys for babies and toddlers. Poking straws into holes. Pasta necklaces. Monster...


Learning Alphabet with Bottle Cap
Learning Alphabet is so much fun. But not for everyone. But all children loves to play with bottle cap. This activity great for recognizing letters, making words and developing other literacy skills. To make bottle cap alphabet you will need: 1. 26 or more bottle caps, 2....


Environmental Day For our class
At 5 June, World Environment Day is celebrated.  We want the world to be safe, clean and beautiful for you as you grow up, and we want your children and their children to have a beautiful world to live in. For that to happen we have to work together to take care of our planet Earth. So...


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