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1565 days back

With us since:
September 3, 2020
Publications: 2
Comments: 2
Victoria Snyder
Firefighters Dramatic Play!
October is Fire Safety awareness. Children love to learn all about what firefighters do . Miss Vicki’s Daycare set up their own Fire station . There are costumes to put on , a fire station tent , fire trucks to drive , and so much more . They made an apartment building out of cardboard...


Halloween small world play !
Scooby and the Gang have come to the spooky small world play area for the month of October! This is a fun idea that the children love ! They pretend the house is haunted , decorate it for Halloween by putting jacks lanterns out and hanging pictures . You can find many of these items at...


Total posts: 2. Read all →

«Rising Star»

«Rising Star»Rising Star Medal. Awarded for user rating over 100.
September 30, 2020

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
September 28, 2020