Total: 8
Ants Story Sequencing Pictures and Coloring Pages
The short moral story for kids impart life lessons in a fun amusing way. The Story of Ant Easy Mini Notebook from ONE Sheet of Paper Ants Coloring Pages ...
Loose parts provocation - Ants
Individual work
A provocation is an activity where the learners must use their imagination to create something. Our theme was "Ants" and decided to do this fun activity with them. You place small rocks and pieces of broken sticks into 2...
My kids enjoyed exploring school ants using a magnifying glass they had never tried before
My kids enjoy exploring the ants in their school using a magnifying glass they have never tried before. My kids learn about ants through exploring what ants look like. Where do you live And what to eat....
Ant Life Cycle DIY Book and Worksheet
All living creatures go through life cycles and they are fascinating concepts. Sometimes they are slow and other times they happen quite fast. One fun summer science lesson is to teach your children about the life cycle of ants!
Colorful Ant Matching Printable Activity
This matching activity features colorful ants that need to be matched to their correct home! This is a stellar activity for children who are learning about colors and can be incorporated into a learning unit on insects with ease. ...
Ant Counting and Matching Activity
This activity features cards that show a certain number of ants on one card. This card then needs to be matched to the numeral indicating how many ants are pictured. This is a great activity for young children learning to count! ...
Ant-Themed Worksheets and Posters for Preschool
These printable worksheets and posters are great for using with your preschool!
More or Less
Trace the correct symbol that indicates which picture is more or less than the other. There is a pre-colored and black-and-white...
A is for Ant Craft for Preschoolers
The letter A stands for many things and one notable insect whose name starts with the letter A is the ant!
At Little Angels Children Development Center in Hialeah, Florida, they practiced writing the letter A and drawing...