Autumn Theme
Total: 3
Our funny Leaf Man
Goals: 1. Vocabulary acquisition 2. classify leaves by characteristics ( color, shape and size) 3. Artistic: Development of creativity. To carry out this activity you will need: 1. Book: Leaf Man 2. Different types of...
Four Seasons Girls. Printable Paper Dolls
Seasons of the Year. Full color paper dolls and girls coloring pages. The set includes these printable files: * 4 Paper Dolls ( double sided) Full Color ( fall, winter, spring, summer) * 4 coloring pages A great...
Il bosco in autunno
Ecco il nostro bosco autunnale! Dopo diverse letture sull'autunno e un'uscita in giardino per osservarne le caratteristiche, i bambini hanno dipinto il loro bosco con i colori tipici dell'autunno, utilizzando come pennelli degli...