Letter F
The F words for preschoolers: face, farm, fox, frog, foot, fence, fairy, flag, fan, flower, fire, fork, fly, fish, farmer, fall, family, father, foil, five, food, fruit, friend, flamingo, finger, flashlight, four, feather, foliage etc.
Letter F Activities for Preschool
Total: 3
Letter F Worksheets for Preschoolers
Below you will find printable worksheets that are perfect for preschool and kindergarten students! Initial Sounds I Spy Activity: Letter F I spy with my little eye, something beginning with. F! Frog! Fox! Five! Can you guess...
F is for Fish Activities
At Pumpkin Preschool of Shelton, they learned about the letter F and did two fun activities covering how F can stand for fish ! These activities really helped impart how some words--such as fish--start with that important letter F! ...
F is For Farm Craft Activity
At Michigan Tech Preschool Inc. the children learned about how F can stand for farm! They then made a craft where they took a barn and drew it full of farm animals that could be revealed with working doors!
Materials needed for...