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Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 48

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easter-color-activities-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

easter-shape-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

easter-math-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Preschool Flower Name Activities This is suitable for preschoolers, to teach them on name recognition. Prepare a simple drawing either place the flower in pot or sand or in a beautiful garden. Write the initials on each flower. I believe every child like...

Recycled Toilet Roll and Paper Plates Craft How to make this cute Mickey mouse from paper plates and tissue rolls? Things to prepare: - Paper or plastic plates - Tissue rolls -  Plain, coloured or felt paper - Paint - Glue /...

Doraemon Keychain Craft   Things to prepare for making this cute doraemon creature includes: - Two small plastic disposable plate -  Keychain - Ribbons - White paper / coloured paper - Color / Crayon - Bell   Draw and color the two...

3 Different Zoom Scavenger Hunts Below are three different Zoom-based Scavenger Hunts that you can do in the home with your child and then share with other participants via Zoom! Scavenger Hunt 2 To print these pictures simply click on each desired...

Paper Flower Craft for Young Children Jack and Jill Preschool in Banstead, UK thought of this fun Paper Flower craft that is easy to do with your young children! Materials Needed for the Paper Flower Craft To do this craft you will need: Glue ...

Easter Sensory Bin for Young Children Ashbridge Nursery at Maxy Farm in Preston, UK came up with this fun Easter sensory bin focused on a theme of chicks! It is geared toward 1 and 2-year-old children but any age can enjoy playing in a fun sensory bin! Easter...

Snoopy Paper Plate Craft Continuation of Previous snoopy project. I personally love snoopy a lot.   Things to prepare for the first snoopy include coloured paper, plain paper, and paper plate that's all. It's super easy to purchase, ...

Popsicle Stick Penguin Craft I personally love winter season, but have not experienced it before. I hope ur kids or students enjoy this season. Keep this craft this end of the year and perform them with Ur students or child.   You just need to...

Home Sweet Home Theme I believe most of us including health care workers that need to quarantine themselves at home in this covid-19 surge. Stay at home and be with kids wasnt a bad things after all. Find some interesting activities that u and Ur...

Flower Themed Craft Ideas for Kids This art is suitable for 6-7 years and above whereby they can color themselves. Things to prepare - Art paper - Crayon / Paint / Color pencils - Felt paper - Black poms poms - Yellow sandy material ...

Insect Theme - Popsicles Craft This time we shall make some cute dragonfly or butterflies. If u wanted to make other insects. May browse through internet, they are many examples that u can follow.   Things to prepare to make a dragonfly include :...

Mirrors, Lights, and Toys Exploration Activity for Preschoolers At Ronnie’s Preschool in Winnepeg, Canada, they thought of a very clever and fun activity for preschool students that encourages exploration and curiosity! They used hollow toys ( in this case the Dena Toy brand) as well as...

Pablo Picasso-Style Mixed-Media Cubist Portraits for Kids At Aldrin Elementary School in Schaumburg, Illinois, the art department created a fun project for parents and their children to do at home! 1st and 2nd graders can learn about Pablo Picasso and create their own Cubist-style...

where-do-animals-live-printable-matching-game-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Match the Farm Animals Have fun with your children! Learn about the farm animals and work on your vocabulary. Use new words to make sentences and go on a scavenger hunt in your own house! Have an educational activity with the toys you already have at...

Snoopy Papercup Craft Things to prepare: Coloured and white paper 2 plain paper cups Button or black magnet Ribbons Felt paper   This is another activity that u may try at home using only few materials that are...

Long-Distance Learning Activities With Zoom For Preschoolers If you are engaging in long-distance learning with preschool students it can be a challenge! The key is to make sure you do activities that are sure to keep their attention such as the assortment discussed below. Zoom Video...

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