Wild Animals Theme
When it comes to discussing an animal countless kinds exist to choose from! You can talk about a particular animal’s movements, its habitats, size, or read one of countless books starring the animals of your choice!
You can listen to exotic animals sounds and even make a craft about one. Simply starting with your class’s favorite animal and going from there can be fun for preschoolers! You can get a copy of our animal lesson plans right here.
Wild Animals Theme Activities for Preschool
Total: 69
Shown: 1 - 20
Craft with leaves
This is the way we make our English lesson more attractive and more effective. In the two photos below, my students take part in craft activity with leaves to learn about the topic: save the wild animal. Teacher has to prepare...
Exploring Our Pumpkin
Exploring our pumpkin To carry out this activity you will need the following materials: Book that talks about pumpkins, I used Little Pumpkin from Igloo Books. A pumpkin Drawing of a scarecrow ( I got it on the internet) ...
Make a Monkey Face Game
This is a fun printable emotions mix-up game perfect for preschool and school aged kids! Our "Make a Monkey Face" game is a fantastic exploratory tool for children to discover different facial expressions and emotions. ...
Wild animals Unit
Hello! This is what my students in first grade did to finish our unit called WILD LIFE. They had so much fun choosing their favorite animal and then creating them on thin cardboard. First they had to learn the vocabulary of wild animals...
Animal activity for kids
This is an activity for kids that make student learn more about animals. There are three type of file that you can applies with your students in you classroom. The activity helps students fun and happy to study. They are very...
Cadena Alimenticia
Para explicar las cadenas alimenticias o tróficas confeccionamos tarjetas que contenían imagenes con las que los estudiantes deberían armas dichas cadenas. Para elaborar estas tarjetas utilizamos figuras impresas que...
Finger Painting Tema Harimau Bersama Teman-Teman
Halo adik-adik semua. pada hari minggu yang cerah ini, kita bersama-sama membuat karya di atas kertas putih. Membuat binatang hutan yang berbadan besar dan bekuku tajam. yaa. Harimau. Kita akan mulai mewarnai...
Jak obchodziliśmy Dzień Jeża - opis dnia w przedszkolu
Jak obchodziliśmy Dzień Jeża Podczas zajęć oglądaliśmy ilustracje jeża - wskazywaliśmy jego części ciała, nazywaliśmy je, zracaliśmy uwagę na ostre kolce, które rosną na ciele zwierzaka. Zastanawialiśmy się...
Game Card - Animal
Playing with Game Card - Animals - Matching Card with actual figures - Any type of animal from pets, farm, sea and wild life Fun for kids 2-4 years old, develop motor skill for matching and finding the actual figures. For 4...
Animals and Their Houses Matching Game
This fun matching game involves putting puzzle pieces together which feature animals and houses that belong to them. This is accomplished by both studying the shape of the puzzles and looking at the images of the animals' houses to...
Desert-Themed Worksheets
These worksheets are all themed for the desert and make a great addition to any classroom unit discussing the desert. Deserts are fascinating places that get very little rain and are extremely hot in the day and very cold a night. Doing...
Colour matching activity
The children in my toddler room looooooove to read the book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? " I usually sing the book and help them do the matching activities - head&tail matching and colour matching. ...
Nature and its Shadows Matching Worksheets
The below worksheets feature items and animals found in nature as well as their shadows. There are three different sheets of nature items and animals and then three shadow sheets--in different colors to make things even more fun! ...
One Doesn't Belong Worksheets
For these worksheets, there are 4 creatures that students can see. However, one creature does not really fit the theme for a particular reason in each picture. These worksheets are a good way to identify how animals can be...
Wild Animals Tail Matching Activity
Wild animals have all kinds of tails. This mixing and matching activity is a fantastic way to learn what kinds of tails go with what animals. Animals and their tails sheets How to download the Matching Activity? You can...
Wild Animals (and Their Babies) Theme for Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten
These print-outs feature wild animals and their babies! These print-outs can be used in a variety of fun ways to teach children about animals and what their babies look like. Kids can learn the terms for baby animals ( a baby bear is a...
Wild Animal and their Babies Print-Outs
These print-outs feature wild animals and their babies! These print-outs can be used in a variety of fun ways to teach children about animals and what their babies look like. Kids can learn the terms for baby animals ( a baby wolf is a...
Dunia Hewan Growing Tree. Mengenal jenis-jenis hewan dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hewan tersebut, seperti habitatnya dll
Kegiatan ini kami laksanakan saat kelas interaktif secara online. Murid-murid menggunting sendiri kain flanel dan mengikatnya pada pola lingkaran yang telah disediakan. Mereka dapat memperkirakan panjang dan lebar potongan kain...
Learning About and Seeing Animals in Person
At St. Andrew's Preschool, they talked all about animals and then saw some in person! The class had a woman named Rachael from Doodlebugs Animal Adventure come and show everyone some exotic creatures. The kids loved seeing these...
Animal Tracks Painting Craft
At Elite Education, they discussed how different animals make different kinds of tracks. Some animals have claws, others have hooves, it can really vary! Inspired by all they learned, the kids had fun doing an animal tracking...