Yarn Craft
Total: 7
Yarn Wrapped Bird Craft for Preschoolers
Spring is asserting itself more and more with each passing day. The sun is shining brighter and the days are getting longer. Everyone is eagerly anticipating this time of year. Soon, the first migratory birds will arrive. To...
Activities with ribbons and laces
It is very important to improve the 2-finger grip at an early age. Ribbons are a wonderful way to organize these types of lessons. Ribbons can be pulled, twisted, tied and wrapped, and not only that, there are many other...
Wrapped with black, orange and purple yarn and created funny Monsters for Halloween
We wrapped with black, orange and purple yarn and created funny Monsters for Halloween. Kids loved the activitie. We used the free printable eyes and mouths Thanks to the teachersmag. com We as teachers in our classrooms love to...
Paper Plate Spider Web Craft
This fun and easy spider craft is great for kids and at Crescere Kids School in Portland, Oregon they loved doing this craft activity which is stellar for motor development.
Should you have a pompom spider that needs...
Weaving Activities for Elementary Students
Weaving is acknowledged as one of the oldest surviving crafts in the world. Even before the actual process of weaving was discovered, the basic principle of weaving was applied to interlace branches and twigs to create fences, ...
God's Eye Yarn Craft for An Ancient Mayan Indian Unit
A God's Eye ( also spelled Gods-Eye) or, "Ojo de Dios, " is an ancient symbol. It was first created by the Huichol Indians of Mexico as well as the Aymara Indians of Boliva.
It is a great craft for school-age students...
Weaving Loom Craft for Preschool and Kindergarten
Providing the opportunity for children to explore weaving is such a beneficial activity. Here's how to encourage weaving in your home or classroom with a large weaving loom!
This material is called the wooden weaving...