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518 days back

With us since:
February 16, 2020
Publications: 34
Comments: 30
.Evelyn Harris
Finger Activity with Hair Ties: A Fun Way to Develop Fine Motor Skills
The Finger Activity with Hair Ties is a fantastic way to help your child develop their fine motor skills. By using different colored hair ties and images of hands with varying quantities of hair ties on them, children can practice counting and matching colors. To get started with this...


Yarn Wrapped Bird Craft for Preschoolers
Spring is asserting itself more and more with each passing day. The sun is shining brighter and the days are getting longer. Everyone is eagerly anticipating this time of year. Soon, the first migratory birds will arrive. To develop the spatial environment in our classroom, we made birds out...


Chalk-to-Craft Creations!
At Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery they drew ideas for creatures out of chalk and then used their craft supplies to bring them to, "Life, " for all to admire! From chalk to reality The children had a great time drawing something creative out of chalk and then using whatever craft...


Construction and Crepe Paper Hearts
At My Little Kingdom Childcare, Learning Center and Preschool they made hearts out of construction paper and glued red and pink crepe paper to them for a beautiful pop of color. How to make construction and crepe paper hearts To make your construction and crepe paper hearts follow...


Assorted Outdoor Water Play Ideas
At Texas Kinder Prep they took advantage of how hot it has been by playing outdoors with water tables and water sensory bins in all kinds of creative ways! They used water beads in one big tub of water to make a squishy sensory bin! They relaxed in a small wading pool to...


Dry Erase Board Letter Recognition Activity
At SolBe Learning Boston they had fun practicing their letter recognition skills so they could spell their names. They used magnetic letters and dry erase boards! Materials needed for this activity To do this activity you will need: Dry erase board Dry erase marker...


Lego Block Matching Game
At BrightPath Kids they designed a fun Lego block matching game where the children found the correct Legos seen in a picture and stacked them so they matched the drawn image! How to do the Lego block matching game To do this game follow these steps: Take a piece of paper and...


Outdoor Chalk and Shape Fun
At Building Blocks Preschool and Child Development Center they had fun enjoying the Summer weather while playing with chalk! They worked to keep within the lines of the shapes of bricks and made beautiful colors. How to have outdoor chalk and shape fun You can do this activity by...


Making Barn Art
At Garden of Dreams Community Preschool and Child Care, they visited an art center located at, "Battle Creek, " and saw an exhibition of barn art! The children looked at drawings and painting of old barns and then made their own barn art! Materials needed for making barn art To...


Colorful Ice Melting Activity for Kids
At GSL Early Childhood Family Education and School Readiness Preschool, they did a cool activity perfect for these hot Summer months. They melted some frozen ice with warm and colorful water! How to do the colorful ice melting activity To do this activity follow these steps: Take a...


Diet Soda Rocket Activity
At The Gardner School of Louisville, they had fun making a diet soda rocket! It was easy to do and a fun outdoor activity as the foam flew out of the soda bottle. How to do the diet soda rocket activity This activity is very easy to do! You just need: A 2-liter bottle of diet...


Flower Decorating Activity for Kids
Teachers from Atelier Dayhome shared this fun flower decorating activity that kids can do! Materials Needed for the Flower Decorating Activity To do this activity you just need the following: A piece of cardboard Maker Hole punch/a pencil or pen could work too Flowers...


Total posts: 34. Read all →
339 days back

«Bronze Blog»

«Bronze Blog»Bronze Blog Medal. Awarded for 25 personal blog entries.
March 31, 2023

«Azure Blog»

«Azure Blog»Medal «Azure Blog». Awarded for 10 personal blog entries.
March 31, 2023

«Lavender blog»

«Lavender blog»Medal «Lavender blog». Awarded for 3 entries in a personal blog.
March 31, 2023

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
March 31, 2023

«Изумрудный кристалл»

«Изумрудный кристалл»Медаль «Изумрудный кристалл» выдаётся за 3 года на МААМ
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«Aquamarine crystal»

«Aquamarine crystal»Medal «Aquamarine crystal» is awarded for 2 years at Teachersmag.com
March 31, 2023

«Lilac Crystal»

«Lilac Crystal»Medal «Lilac Crystal». Awarded for 1 year by TeachersMag.com
March 31, 2023