.Madison Wilson
3rd Grade Year-End Project Focuses on Influential People in History
At St. Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, California, the 3rd-grade students discussed influential people in history--Americans and more!
Wonderful Biographies for the Year-End Project!
Other famous figures discussed were figures in America's early-history such as Priscilla Mullins and Benjamin Franklin in addition to civil-rights pioneers like Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks, and Jackie Robinson. Students also did biographies of such famous figures as Albert Einstein (a genius physicist who immigrated to America during World War II and became a citizen, Milton Hershey (inventor of the Hershey chocolate bar, Milton Bradley (famous board-game creator, Dr. Seuss (beloved author, Jacques Cousteau (an oceanographer) and more!

The students read biographies about their chosen person, wrote a book report about them, and then made a poster with their likeness which they used to give an oral presentation to their class. It was a great activity and a wonderful way to end the year on both an educational and creative note!

"History came alive today! Great job 3rd graders with your biography reports".
St. Bonaventure Catholic School - Huntington Beach, CA
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