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.Isabella Jones

Author: .Isabella Jones
Posts: 39
Rating: 2. Votes: 2
Preschool Activities That Feature the Five Senses
Ted Williams students learned all about their five senses this week! Students participated in a variety of activities involving taste, smell, sight, sound, and...
Added: October 4, 2019

Self-Portraits Using Loose Parts
Invitation to Create a Self Portrait with Loose Parts Self portraits are actually a key part of learning and personal development. When they are creating...
Added: October 3, 2019

Fire Station Dramatic Play Activity
Should you be having a fire safety week or day in your classroom one great activity to do with your students is this simulation/"play" which teaches...
Added: October 2, 2019

Apple Color Sorting Activity
We used our fine motor skills with an apple sorting activity and painted beautiful fall leaves to decorate our classroom. Immanuel Preschool...
Added: October 1, 2019

Community Helpers: Baker Crafts
Bakers are a wonderful helper in our community. They make tasty treats for us that fill our bellies and bring a smile to our face. At Rita Book's Daycare they did these...
Added: September 29, 2019

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