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Author: mada
Posts: 4
Rating: 100. Votes: 100
Find shadow-domestic animals
Find shadow-domestic animals The children receive the farm containing the shadows. They have the task of finding each animal and placing it over the shadow. The children made domestic...
Added: January 31, 2025

Color Matching Game
Color Matching Game for Toddlers. It works where you have the printed-out images that are a certain color and shape. Then, there are also big empty paint cans that are differing colors and have...
Added: December 1, 2024

Comparing numbers-game for toddlers
Comparing the numbers. In the mathematical activity, the children had the task of writing how many elements are part of each group and then comparing them. In the second part of the activity,...
Added: November 13, 2024

the five senses-play with the whole group
My body and I have kindergarten children: The idea of the game is based on learning to play ( Mentsuri game) with children to form 5 flowers, each flower carries a sense. One...
Added: November 12, 2024