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Building Butterflies Out of Nature Activity

.Ella Martin
Building Butterflies Out of Nature Activity

Building Butterflies Out of Nature Activity

At the Children's Garden Preschool they went outside to enjoy the Summer weather and built butterflies out of pieces of nature for a fun activity that combines creative thinking and art!

How to Build Butterflies Out of Nature

To build butterflies out of nature follow these steps:

  1. Go outside, a wooded area is generally best for this activity.
  2. Gather stones, twigs, pinecones, and any other small items found in nature.
  3. Put the items you found in nature together in a way that they look like butterflies.
  4. Take a picture of your creation to show others later so they can compliment your creativity!

Source for Photos: The Children's Garden Preschool

Building Butterflies Out of Nature Activity
June 25, 2020
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