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Classroom Reading Fort (and Painting Activity) for Preschool

.Sophia Williams
Classroom Reading Fort (and Painting Activity) for Preschool

At Bright Beginnings Learning Center and Daycare in Sandy, Oregon, the classroom teacher, Miss Joy, built a fort for reading! It was a unique twist on having a reading corner and the students were very excited to use the fort.

However, because it was made out of only cardboard and tape it needed to be painted! The children had a fantastic time painting the fort a variety of bright colors and then learned the rules for using the fort.

Fort Rules

In order to use the fort students needed to follow certain rules:

  1. Up to 5 friends could use the fort at once, no more.
  2. 20 minutes per group of friends was allowed for being in the fort.
  3. No toys were allowed to be in the fort, just books.
  4. The fort was only for reading, not playing-around in.

After learning all the rules of the fort every student was eager to use it with their friends for relaxing and reading. It for sure was a great twist on the classic, "Reading corner," often found in preschools.

Bright Beginnings Learning Center and Daycare
Sandy, OR, United States
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Classroom Reading Fort (and Painting Activity) for Preschool
February 10, 2020
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