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How to Use Zoom for Teaching Preschool

How to Use Zoom for Teaching Preschool

Zoom is known as a video conferencing platform that is useful for connecting people for meetings. It isn't just for adults however, it can easily be used to remotely teach preschoolers as well!

What is Zoom

Zoom Video Communications is an American remote conferencing services: zoom.us

Due to how COVID-19 has closed schools around the World, it has left preschoolers separated from teachers and classmates. However, by using Zoom they can reach-out over the internet to see their teachers as well as other students and feel some normalcy in their lives.

How to Set-Up Zoom with Preschoolers

One great thing about Zoom is that it allows two-way communication with the host (the teacher in this case) needing to have an account, but no one else has to have one. A preschooler just needs a laptop or cellular phone, and a link sent to them from the teacher.

Setting up a Zoom account is quite easy. There are many walkthroughs focused on how to create an account if you're a preschool teacher and then once you have a Zoom account it is simple to send a link to students upon creating a meeting (and parents can help preschool students enter into the meeting).

How to Use Zoom for Teaching Preschool
Zooming right along!
Photo: CTK Preschool Teachers, www.ctk-preschool.org

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How to Use Zoom for Teaching Preschool
April 8, 2020
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