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Introduction: Who Am I?

Introduction: Who Am I?

Introduction: Who Am I?
Spring tree before painting

Hi all!

I'm Linda-Beate(or just LB among co-workers, I'm almost 34yo and I live in Norway(in Europe, not in Maine, USA).

I'll be starting my 10th year as an assistant at the local day care centre (in Norwegian we say "Barnehage") where I, mostly, work with kids between 3 and 6. We also have a group for 8 months old and up to 3years.

I'm working towards getting my diploma as a children and youth worker which mean I'll be able to work with kids/youths between 0 and 18.

This winter, spring and now summer we've had this one craft in 4 parts: a tree for all the seasons - fall will come in august.

I drew the childrens hands on black craftpaper and cut it out. Then I made a light blue sky on a light green grass(spring, a light blue sky on a dark green grass(summer) and dark blue sky on a white snowy ground. The fall one will most likely be either dark or light blue on a brown-ish ground.

We painted our wintertree with white paint, using our fingers to make the tree covered in snow.

Our spring tree got light green, very light green and a little dark green to give our tree leafs.

Our summer tree will get pink, red, purple flowers in different shades.

Our fall tree will get light brown, yellow, orange and red leafs.

The craft was first found on pinterest, but made to be more "ours".

Spring tree after painting

Introduction: Who Am I?
June 29, 2020
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