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Kandinsky Tree Craft

.Mia Brown
Kandinsky Tree Craft

Kandinsky Tree Craft

At Take Care Daycare & Preschool in Bakersfield, California, the students loved being offered the chance to create art inspired by Kandinsky–it was an invitation to be creative they readily accepted!

These Kids Loved Making a Kandinsky Tree Craft

It allowed them to develop their fine motor and self-concept skills. They were told about the artist, Wassily Kandinsky and how he was a painter who did art with the sensibility of a musician (which he also was).

After that, the students made their own Kandinsky-style tree crafts full of beautiful imagery and colors in the same style as the famous creator!

Kandinsky's expressionist and abstract style is not only beautiful but exciting and fun for kids to work on! By taking some construction paper and permanent markers students can have a great time creating their own Kandinsky trees!

Take Care Daycare & Preschool

Bakersfield, CA, United States

Links Related to Kandinsky

Here are some links to use when discussing Kandinsky!

Click Here for More Ideas!

Kandinsky Tree Craft
January 12, 2020
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