Learning Alphabet with Bottle Cap
Learning Alphabet with Bottle Cap

Learning Alphabet is so much fun. But not for everyone. But all children loves to play with bottle cap.This activity great for recognizing letters, making words and developing other literacy skills.
To make bottle cap alphabet you will need:1. 26 or more bottle caps,2. Scissors3. Some papers4. Marker or letter printables
How to :1. Press down the bottle cap on a paper and make circle around it. Make it 26 circle2. Write down alphabet from A-Z. For starter you can do it by sequence. But my kids love when i randomize them. Make them in two papers.3. Cut the circle in 1 paper.4. If you have more bottle caps, you can make in Uppercase and lowercase.
You can play with a lot of variation :1. matching same letters2. Matching uppercase with lowercase3. Alphabetical order (before A is Z, before B is A, before C is B,.)4. Making words with movable alphabet5. Do missing letter in a word.

So easy and looks fun right?