.Sophia Williams
Llama and Cactus Classroom Decor
If you want to try classroom themes or decor that are a bit more, "Out-there," than the usual ideas then we have some great examples from ABC Academy Preschool in Lebanon, Missouri, where they had their decor dedicated to llamas, cacti, and sometimes both! Here are some examples.
We are ready for Open House! It’s going to be a Llamazing year.
Lebanon, Missouri
Classroom Decor
This decor incorporate both a llama and a number of cacti. It does a clever play-on-words combining, "Llama," and "Amazing," into "Llamazing!" Students love clever word combinations, and this one is pretty nifty.

ABC is a Llama Fun
Another example of word-play, where instead of saying how learning the ABCs is, "A lot of fun," it now is, "A llama fun." This decor is both encouraging to preschool students learning the ABCs and has more clever puns.

Llama See Your Best Work
One more smart use of the word llama, now being used to signify, "Let me see you best work," but as, "Llama see you best work," and with the students work hung-up on a bulletin board to show-off their hard work!

A Llama Love
The last instance we have to share of clever word-usage with llamas, here we say, "A llama love," instead of, "A lot of love." The main idea is there however, with the whole classroom loving and caring about one another!

In This Class We Stick Together
A cactus is very pointy and things stick to it, so a class full of students who, "Stick together," fits the theme of cacti wonderfully!
This is Where Fun Stuff Happens
This decor does not directly have to reference cacti in its text, but it goes without saying a cactus is a fun and interesting plant for students, so representing each one as a cactus shows that the classroom they are about to enter is a fun space!
The Rest of the Decor
The rest of the do not have any specific llama or cactus puns, but work imagery of llamas and cacti into the classroom's setup in a way worth spotlighting (also, one has tacos, often enjoyed in hot places where cacti are found too!