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Making a Nature Portrait

.Victoria Garcia
Making a Nature Portrait

Making a Nature Portrait

At Pinewoods Tot School and Preschool they found leaves and twigs in nature they then used along with markers to create a portrait with pieces of nature in it!

How to make a nature portrait

To make your nature portrait follow these steps:

  1. Go out into nature (like a forest) as a group and gather up leaves, pieces of grass, and twigs.
  2. Go back inside.
  3. Get a piece of paper, some glue, and markers.
  4. Draw an outline of your own face with your markers.
  5. Use the pieces of nature to make parts like your hair, eyes, mouth, or whatever you want, glue it on!
  6. Fill in parts of your face that aren't made out of nature with the markers.
  7. Wait for the glue to dry and show everyone your creation!

Source for photos: Pinewoods Tot School and Preschool

Making a Nature Portrait
August 18, 2020
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