Sarah Beloff
PreK Gardening Exploring - Information for Parents
The children have begun to show an interest in plants and the fruits and vegetables that grow on them. For example, whenever we go outside, the children are curious about the plants they see around them, and, during mealtimes, they have shared their observations about the fruits and vegetables we eat. These interests have inspired us to begin a study of gardening. We will use children’s questions as the basis of our investigations and learn how to plan and care for a garden, how gardens grow, who helps gardens grow, how gardens help people and the environment, and how to harvest a garden.
If you can, we’d appreciate your help gathering materials related to gardening. Below is a list of suggested items, but we welcome any items that you think might add to our explorations.
Please label all items with your name so we can return them to you at the end of our study. We promise to take good care of them!
Also, please let us know if someone in your family has a job or hobby related to gardens (e.g., gardener, farmer, florist, landscaper) and would like to share his or her expertise with the class. We would love to arrange a time for special guests to join us in our investigations.