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Pumpkin Innards Examination

.Ella Martin
Pumpkin Innards Examination

Pumpkin Innards Examination

The end of Summer nears and Fall is approaching. At Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool they got in the Fall spirit by doing a fun project where they examined pumpkin innards!

Materials needed for pumpkin innards examination

To do this examination you will need:

  • Pumpkin
  • Carving knife
  • Scoop
  • Ziploc bags
  • Magnifying glasses

How to do the pumpkin innards examination

Follow these steps to examine the pumpkin innards:

  1. Take your pumpkin and carving knife.
  2. Cut the top off of your pumpkin.
  3. Use the scoop to start scooping out pumpkin innards.
  4. Place the innards in Ziploc bags.
  5. Use your magnifying glasses to examine the innards. Observe how they are stringy, gooey, and have lots of seeds.
  6. If you want, you can put some innards on a tray to touch and examine.
  7. Throw away your empty pumpkin and Ziplocs of innards when done.

Source for photos: Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool

Pumpkin Innards Examination
August 9, 2020
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