.Sophia Williams
Space-Themed Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers
Outer-space is a fascinating place for young children. Many kids dream of being astronauts and preschoolers love learning about space and doing activities and crafts themed for the stars and planets beyond Earth.
For example, at Pat-a-Cake Preschool in Riverside, California, they had a number of space-themed activities and crafts that you can do too!
Name Spaceships
For this craft students make their own spaceship that has the letters of their names as pieces of the rocket blasting-off! This is especially a great activity for preschool students still learning how to spell their name.

Planet Hop-Scotch
Grab some chalk and draw each planet out on some concrete for the students to jump-between and learn. You can have our galaxy's star--the Sun--included as well if you want to have it compliment the eight planets. If you want to discuss the complex history of Pluto as a planet and then not being an official planet you can draw it too and talk about it with students!
Starry Night Sky Painting
With black pieces of construction paper and painting tools shaped like stars students can paint bright and colorful stars onto their night sky.
Paper Plate Moon and Sun
Preschoolers can make their own creative models of the moon and sun with some paper plates, paint, and scissors to cut-up one of the plates to look like the sun. By putting a dark color paint on their moon like black or a deep blue they can make a model of what Earth's own Moon looks like with all of its craters. After that, they can use yellow paint to create a bright and impressive sun as well!