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Ocean Theme

One great addition to your school curriculum that is quite fun is a discussion of the ocean and all its creatures. You can engage in sensory play, work with shells or sea stars in a sensory bin themed for the ocean, and do even more!

Ocean Theme Activities for Preschool

Total: 63
Shown: 1 - 20

Under the sea life. Sensory Bin This week we talked about sea animals and under the sea life. We decided to use the black tray to create and play with sea animals. We used big blocks to separate the 2 sides. For the water we used hidrofile balls and painted pasta. ...

World Whale and Dolphin Day: Poster and Coloring Pages Today’s eco-celebration honors marine mammals—whales and dolphins. Despite their strength, these beautiful animals need our protection. Print the poster for World Whale and Dolphin Day on July 23rd. This day reminds us...

World Whale and Dolphin Day activities. Whales and cetaceans worksheets World Whale and Dolphin Day is celebrated annually on July 23rd. The purpose of this ecological day is to draw humanity's attention to the need to protect all marine life on our planet. We present a set of worksheets on the...

Fishing for Sounds: Magnetic Game We've got a fun game for you called "Fishing for Sounds". It's a great way to practice recognizing letters and their first sounds. Here's how it works: we've got a set of fish drawings for you to print out, each one featuring...

Whale Worksheets for Preschoolers World Whale Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday in February. These whale printables are perfect for early learners or just as a super fun activity to sit and do together at home. Whale Number Strip Puzzle 1-6...

Ocean Shadow Matching Activity For Toddlers Print out the printable ocean activity for toddlers on to card stock paper. You could also print it on normal paper and laminate everything. This will then make the pieces waterproof. You can also add velcro tabs to each piece...

C is for Crab Template The letter C can stand for many things, and this craft activity keeps that in mind! Letter С Worksheets First is shows students how C can stand for crab, and then encourages them to make their own idea of what the...

Semaine d'activité sur la Mer et la plage Sur le thème de la mer, nous avons joue avec un bac de manipulation. Les enfants trouvaient des animaux marins et devaient les nommer. Il y avait des lettres cachées qu'ils devaient nommer egalement. Nous avons aussi fait des...

Sea Monster Creation We created a sea monster of our own. Children were divided into groups and each group was assigned one part of the monster's body. There was head, body, limbs and extra. There were few options in every category: for head we...

Making maracas crab crafts Ini adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan anak-anak umur 5 - 6 tahun. Mereka sedang melakukan kegiatan membuat alat musik sederhana dari berbagai alat ataupun benda yang ada di sekitar mereka. Untuk kegiatan ini bertemakan binatang...

Geometric Shape Picture Making Activity for Preschoolers This activity allows preschool students to make pictures out of geometric shapes! How to do this activity They can be given the individual shapes after they are printed, laminated, and cut up. Then, students can use...

Rainbow Fish Paper Plate Craft At Kinder Prep Christian Academy, they made a rainbow fish! This was done by using a paper plate and pieces of construction paper. Materials needed for this craft To make your own rainbow fish you will need the...

Doing a Unit on the Ocean with Preschoolers Little Lambs Preschool did a unit all about the ocean with their students. The students learned all about the creatures that live under the sea and did a variety of projects about the ocean! Ocean-themed paint spreading ...

Mini akuarium saya Ini ialah projek mini akuarium saya untuk murid prasekolah 6 tahun. Murid belajar tentang hidupan yang hidup di dalam air. Murid diminta menghasilkan akuarium mengikut kreativiti masing-masing. Murid bersama ahli...

Creating an Ocean-Themed Bulletin Boards At Redeemer Lutheran Children's Center, the kids all worked together so they could help create beautiful ocean-themed bulletin boards! Under the sea The students had a fantastic time talking about the kinds of animals...

Ocean-Themed Activities for the Month of May At Kids of the Kingdom Christian Preschool, they had a fantastic time this May doing a variety of ocean-themed activities! The students loved learning about the ocean and had fun creating artwork inspired by it! Fish...

Counting Fish Into the Fishbowl At The Clifton Little School, they did a fun counting activity with Goldfish-brand snack crackers! Counting with Goldfish crackers! The children were given a stack of Goldfish and then a hand-out that featured a...

Learning About and Crafting Ocean Life At Amazing Kids Academy, they learned all about ocean life and did some crafting themed for all the creatures in the ocean too! Studying seashells The class enjoyed studying seashells. They noted the unique colors and...

Making a Jelly Fish So we had some left over coffee filters and I discovered a neat way to use one for craft time. My daughter is 2 years old and she really enjoys stuff like this! So we got out the water colors, a glass of water, a paint brush, a...

Learning About and Practicing Gyotaku At St. David's Nursery School, the children learned about Gyotaku. Gyotaku is the traditional Japanese method of making a print from a fish, a practice that started in the mid-1800s. It was done by fishermen to record the size and...

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