Shaving Cream
Shaving Cream Activities for Kids
Total: 12
Shaving cream paint
Supplies You Will Need: * aluminium bowls * Shaving Cream * Food Coloring * Brush * Paper Start off by spraying some shaving cream in each spot of the muffin tin. Next add your food coloring and mix. We planned this activity...
Marbled Hearts with Shaving Cream and Watercolor
-We made marbled hearts in our preschool classroom. Here's how we made them. 1. First we cut out the heart shapes from tag board ( cardstock, the heart is about 8" tall. 2. After we cut out the shapes we gave each kid a heart ...
Little activities for rainy days
Are you ready for rainy days? Have you already prepared for it? Did you already buy the proper clothing for rainy days? If yes, then I am so happy that you are! These are our little preparation for rainy days. In my class, I...
Working in the farm!
Greetings! Today I want to throw up an activity that I had the opportunity to carry out some time ago and which I and the children really enjoyed. In order to carry it out you will need . Large cardboard boxes Painting ...
Mirrors and Airplanes Art Activity
At Little Mini Lighthouse Family Day Care, they did a fun art activity! They took mirrors and laid them flat outside so that the clear blue sky could be seen in them. Then, the kids used toy airplanes to make it look like they...
Marble painting
We used a big sheet of paper on the floor to help make clean up easier. Lots of shaving cream on the paper. Add a few drops of paint on the shaving cream. The kids used pop cycle sticks to mix the cream and paint to make different...
Engineering Activity With Shaving Cream and Foam Blocks
At Little Seeds Children's Center, they did a fun engineering activity! The class imagined they were engineers who were creating buildings out of foam blocks. To help make the blocks stick together like real bricks the children...
Practicing Spelling and Writing With Shaving Cream
They did a fun activity that combined sensory aspects and learning how to spell at Rogue Valley Montessori! The kiddos loved squeezing and squishing the shaving cream in their hands before they then practiced writing-out words and...
Rain Cloud in a Jar Experiment for Kids
At The Gardner School of Eagan, they did a fun STEM activity that was colorful and educational! You can easily do this experiment with your kiddos as well. Materials needed for this experiment To do this rain cloud in a...
Puffy Paint Ice Cream Craft
At Immanuel Preschool and Kindergarten they made a fun craft that looked just like ice cream! While it looked super real it of course was not safe to eat--but quite fun to create and look at! Materials needed to make puffy paint...
Rainy Weather Simulation Activity for Toddlers
At Creative Spaces Preschool, they did a fun activity to help teach the children about rainy weather! The kids filled the top of a cup with shaving cream and then put droplets of dark blue water on top. As the shaving cream grew...
Intergalactic Shaving Cream and Paint Craft for Kids
At Cunningham Children's Home in Urbana, Illinois, they had an intergalactic theme for the week. As a part of this theme they did a fun craft with shaving cream and paint that is super simple to do and turns out looking incredible!...