Weather Theme
Days, months, seasons and weather.
Use these ideas to lead your kids to explore all kinds of weather in all kinds of ways.
Weather Activities for Preschool
Total: 59
Shown: 1 - 20
Weather Theme Counting Activity
Here is an activity that I just put together for our Weather Unit for the month of March: Rain drops and cloud counting activity: -Take contact paper and tape to the window or wall using painter's tape ( make sure sticky side...
Four Seasons Girls. Printable Paper Dolls
Seasons of the Year. Full color paper dolls and girls coloring pages. The set includes these printable files: * 4 Paper Dolls ( double sided) Full Color ( fall, winter, spring, summer) * 4 coloring pages A great...
Paper plate umbrellas
This is a fun craft that I like to do using dobbers. For materials you will need white paper plates that are not wax or coated, dobber, tape and pipe cleaners in fun colors. Cut the paper plate in half and let the kids decorate it or...
Weather in Vietnamese language
we are in Vietnamese class. This is my little student, Julie, 4 year old girl. We are learning about weather and make an artwork. And this is her production. the sun and cloud and some raindrops. We need: - 1 white paper -...
Posters of the Four Seasons
These four posters feature the four seasons! Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall all are represented. The four seasons The posters below illustrate different aspects of the four seasons. Students can examine these posters with...
Little activities for rainy days
Are you ready for rainy days? Have you already prepared for it? Did you already buy the proper clothing for rainy days? If yes, then I am so happy that you are! These are our little preparation for rainy days. In my class, I...
Summer Sun Craft for Kids
It has been a hot summer full of sunshine at Precious Moments Christian Preschool. To commemorate the blazing Summer sun everyone made a fun sun-themed craft! Materials needed for this craft To make your own sunshine...
Days of the week & Seasons
In order to learn the days of week and seasons, we prepared some posters with my syudents in my secondary school. They are fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. thay are very willing to learn english. So they helped me...
Drawing and Painting Rainbows on a Rainy Day
It was too rainy to go outside at Mirna's Family Childcare, so they learned about rainbows and then drew and painted them! Individual rainbow fun We recently wrote about a collaborative rainbow painting activity , but...
Activities for Learning About the Weather
At TVCCA Little Learners Early Education Program, they did a variety of fun activities so that they could learn all about the weather! Mixing compounds to make mud The children learned how when compounds are mixed it can...
Curcubeul vesel- activitate practică
Venirea primăverii este prilej de bucurie pentru toți copiii, din întreaga lume. Culorile pe care aceasta ni le aduce odată cu înmugurirea copacilor, paleta minunată a florilor, ne binedispune și ne dă un tonus...
Clothing in Weather The weather outside changes each and every day. Some days it is snowy, and your mom makes you wear a hat. On other days it is rainy, and you get to wear your new rain boots. Would you wear a winter jacket when it was sunny? That’s...
Multimedia Birch Tree Grove Collage
They made a beautiful multimedia collage at Thales Academy Holly Springs. The fourth Graders were inspired by the Aurora Borealis for their colorful skies in the collage. They used watercolors or acrylic paints and newspapers to...
Water Cycle Crafts
At Cranium Academy of Winter Garden, they did some water cycle crafts! It was great fun for all the students as they made a water cycle as a paper craft and simulated rainclouds with shaving cream. Paper Water Cycle Craft ...
Studying the Molecules in Solids, Liquids, and Gases
At Sunshine School in Oro Valley, they worked on their STEM-skills! The kids studied the molecules in solids, liquids, and gases. Everyone was educated about how molecule closeness can vary depending on if something is in a solid,...
Rain Cloud in a Jar Experiment for Kids
At The Gardner School of Eagan, they did a fun STEM activity that was colorful and educational! You can easily do this experiment with your kiddos as well. Materials needed for this experiment To do this rain cloud in a...
Paper Compass Creation Craft
At Indian Creek School, the first graders spent a week exploring the wonderful world of geography! They learned about landforms, bodies of water, and maps. The children also were excited to practice their orienteering skills by...
Year-Round Tree Craft
At Muffinville Preschool, they did a creative craft that spotlit the four seasons--Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. They did this craft by splitting a painting of a tree into four sections/canvases that were all painted to...
Rainy Weather Simulation Activity for Toddlers
At Creative Spaces Preschool, they did a fun activity to help teach the children about rainy weather! The kids filled the top of a cup with shaving cream and then put droplets of dark blue water on top. As the shaving cream grew...
Day and Night Sensory Sort PK3
Each year we attend the planetarium that is part of our school district and watch One World One Sky. It is an awesome show that introduces the students to the earth and sky around the world. To prepare we introduce many activities...