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.Victoria Garcia

Author: .Victoria Garcia
Posts: 33
Rating: 1. Votes: 1
Rain and Cloud Sensory Bin
At Pinewoods Tot School and Preschool they had a great deal of fun doing a rain and cloud-focused sensory bin. They learned all about how clouds fill-up with rain and then...
Added: August 18, 2020

Making a Nature Portrait
At Pinewoods Tot School and Preschool they found leaves and twigs in nature they then used along with markers to create a portrait with pieces of nature in it! How...
Added: August 18, 2020

Ladybug Art Craft
At New Beginning Preschool and Learning Center, LLC. they had a good deal of fun making ladybugs out of their art supplies! Materials needed for the ladybug art craft...
Added: August 16, 2020

Making Cloud Play-Doh
At Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool they made cloud play-doh and then enjoyed it with colorful cutting and shaping utensils! Materials needed to create cloud play-doh...
Added: August 12, 2020

Strawberry and Blueberry on the Cob Craft
At Olivia's Montessori Preschool they had a hot lunch event for charity! They served pancakes the adults cooked and the children made skewers of the strawberries and blueberries...
Added: August 5, 2020

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