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Celebration of Colors: 10 Fun and Educative Color Activities for Preschool

Jenny Edwards
Celebration of Colors: 10 Fun and Educative Color Activities for Preschool

Our celebration of colors continues for weeks as we devote one day per color. (We are a three days a week program, therefore it takes us a little longer.)

I started with preparing our sensory table. I dyed rice and alphabet pasta. I then set it into the table by rainbow order. Most of all my set ups during these weeks will be done in rainbow color to expose the children to the order.

Then each day is a certain color and we paint with that color. Our play dough is that color.

We also cut and glue items of that color such as yarn, ribbon, paint samples, and paper. We have many puzzles, color matching, and color variation activities. My next post will include our color mixing as we are about to get into that having already done red and yellow. I go in this order: red, yellow, and then orange, so the children can mix red and yellow together. Then blue and green, and finally purple. For orange, green, and purple days we focus on mixing the primary colors to create each new color. Those days we are scientists!

I add the rice into the sensory table in rainbow colors. It doesn’t stay this way for very long. The children love playing in the rice.

I draw the rainbow on the white cardboard and separate the colors by hot glue, this helps keep the Pom-poms to stay in their arch. I add tweezers to build their hand muscles.

One of my little guys working hard building his rainbow.

Working on variation of color with wool balls and wooden trays and paint samples glued onto the trays.

A child sorting the wool ball by variation of color.

Paint samples cut up and our sorting box.

Children working together sorting their colors.

Sorting different sized hair ties by color.

Sorting beads by color on a thread spool holder.

Bigger beads on the spool holders.

Cutting red items.

Cutting and glueing yellow items.

Rainbow arches and log pieces.

A light table rainbow. A clear cake cover and gems make up this activity. The children place the gems in the proper arch.

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Celebration of Colors: 10 Fun and Educative Color Activities for Preschool
November 8, 2019
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