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Learning About Dental Health With a Pediatric Dentist

.Amelia White
Learning About Dental Health With a Pediatric Dentist

Learning About Dental Health

At The Plaid Giraffe Preschool in Webb City, Missouri, the children had a wonderful time with a visiting pediatric dentist!

Miss Nova came to visit from Joplin Pediatric Dentistry and did two total presentations--one for students who attend the school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as well as speaking to the children who are at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children at the preschool loved how they got to learn about the assortment of things they can do to take good care of their teeth.

The Importance of Good Dental Health

The students learned about how it is important to floss their teeth and brush their teeth. They also did a big activity about what kinds of food are good for our teeth and what kinds of foods can damage them. The children also practiced brushing the teeth of a stuffed animal to make sure they knew the proper way to brush their teeth. Everyone loved learning about good dental health and were very thankful to Joplin Pediatric Dentistry!

The Plaid Giraffe Preschool


Webb City, MO, United States


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Learning About Dental Health With a Pediatric Dentist
February 21, 2020
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