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Pre-k all the way!

LaBreeska N Leveille
Pre-k all the way!

Hey ya'll!

I've been a preschool teacher for eight years now and I love it! I'm always looking for new ideas for my kiddos and stumbled upon this site. I usually use a lot of the same material from years prior but I keep my eye out for cool things to switch it up. I also have to keep in mind that each class has a new group of learners, and each group is at a different level coming in. With covid, teaching has become a brand new idea to a lot of us. We have had to learn to teach remotely to a group of preschoolers who already have a short attention span. We have had to go above and beyond to make remote learning as easy and engaging as possible in a very short amount of time. Though I am always up for a challenge, this year has proven to be my hardest year teaching to date; as I'm sure it has been for many! We are teachers however, we persevere and move forward with a smile on our face and a love for teaching in our hearts.

Here are two pictures of crafts and supply lists I did for my virtual class

Pre-k all the way!
Pre-k all the way!
September 4, 2020
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