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Classroom Rainforest Theme Decoration Activity

.Charlotte Moore
Classroom Rainforest Theme Decoration Activity

Classroom Rainforest Theme Decoration Activity

At Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool in Minneapolis, Minnesota the classroom theme was the rainforest!

To help the children better understand what kind of animals are found in the rainforest every student got to create their own unique piece of art to fit within the classroom theme and be a piece of decoration on the rainforest trees--which kids also assisted in the creation of!

Creating Rainforest Decorations

The students greatly enjoyed learning about the different kinds of animals that live in the rainforest from poison dart frogs to birds with bright exotic colors and feet. After being informed about these animals the children used a wide variety of art supplies to make their own unique rainforest-themed animal. Some kids traced their feet to make, "Exotic foot birds," along with plenty of glue and feathers. Then, others utilized paper, stickers, pipe cleaners and lots of glue to make beautiful poison dart frogs.

All the students also had fun painting construction paper to create the rainforest trees and their leaves. Everyone had so much fun doing this decoration activity for the rainforest theme in the classroom and the final result was gorgeous!

Bright Prospects Cooperative Preschool
Minneapolis, MN, United States

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Classroom Rainforest Theme Decoration Activity
February 8, 2020
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