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862 days back

With us since:
November 14, 2019
Publications: 1
Comments: 2
Teaching 11-12 Years Olds
Board games are a great way to engage learners in the learning process! So I divided my class into groups of 4 and gave each group a board game , a die and 4 chips . The learner who gets the biggest number starts the game. the learner moves his /her chip the number they got on the...


Total posts: 1. Read all →

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
December 13, 2021

«Aquamarine crystal»

«Aquamarine crystal»Medal «Aquamarine crystal» is awarded for 2 years at Teachersmag.com
December 13, 2021

«Lilac Crystal»

«Lilac Crystal»Medal «Lilac Crystal». Awarded for 1 year by TeachersMag.com
December 13, 2021