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319 days back

With us since:
June 8, 2021
Publications: 2
Comments: 1
Valentines Day activity
On Valentines Day, kids celebrate by making/ designing their ow cut-outs of hearts. They can choose the size of the heart ( small, medium or large. Teachers prepared different materials ( sequence, glue, cut- out heart from cardboard, glitters, heart shape foam, colorful paper cut- outs, googly...


Momotaro (Peach Boy) School Play props
Here are the props and backdrop I made for my 2 years old play for our school. We played the popular Japanese folk story Momotaro ( Peach Boy. Momotarō was born from a giant peach, which was found floating down a river by an old, childless woman who was washing clothes there. The woman and her...


Total posts: 2. Read all →

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
June 8, 2021

«Aquamarine crystal»

«Aquamarine crystal»Medal «Aquamarine crystal» is awarded for 2 years at Teachersmag.com
June 11, 2023

«Lilac Crystal»

«Lilac Crystal»Medal «Lilac Crystal». Awarded for 1 year by TeachersMag.com
June 11, 2023