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With us since:
August 4, 2022
Publications: 1
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Sherry McKee
STEAMing Hot Preschool
I taught many years in public school. I have been teaching STEAM for five years now in a small private school, and absolutely love it!
STEAM- Teaching pond animals with Pocket Pond
I teach STEAM to Preschool classes from age 2 to 5. It's a pull out program and the students come to me one class at the time for 30 minutes. It is difficult to find toys for two year olds that aren't choke hazards. I decided to use felt to make Pocket Pond. The children can choose ducks, frogs,...


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«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
August 4, 2022