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188 days back

With us since:
January 15, 2023
Publications: 1
Comments: 2
Kanthaporn Klongklaw
Egg Carton Turtle Recycled Kids Craft
Create Egg Carton Turtles What do you need to make Egg Carton Turtles? 1. Empty Egg boxes 2. Poster color 3. Paintbrush 4. Palette 5. Clean water 6. Hand towel Let's start doing it. Let's go. The children dipped their paintbrushes in poster paint and painted on the egg cartons...


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«Rising Star»

«Rising Star»Rising Star Medal. Awarded for user rating over 100.
March 18, 2023

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
March 18, 2023