Jenny Edwards
Apple Week
Here in Upstate NY, apples are the focus of our fall outings. I include an Apple theme into my fall curriculum every year.The children love it! On top of the activities depicted in the photos below, we taste tested apples and graphed our results. During circle time we made patterns with felt apples and read many stories featuring apples.
In this activity, the students can place the leaves and Pom Pom apples on the tree and take then “pick” them.
Sorting apple erasers. We also worked on patterns with these.
Pipe cleaner trees where the students lace yellow, red, and green buttons onto the branches. This builds fine motor skills and the students are so proud of their beautiful trees.
Apple stamping with apple colors.
A is for apple. I am introducing the letters as we move from topic to topic. The children love this activity! Notice how he separated the colors and chose to place the red ones on the uppercase A and the green ones on the lower case A.
Wool balls have become one of my favorite materials. Here they separate them by color. They can also be separated by size. I have them in many colors, but have only taken the "apple colored" ones out for this activity.
Painting with apples.
Placing yellow, green, and red buttons on a pipe cleaner tree