.Sophia Williams
Classroom Decorations: 7 Bulletin Board Ideas
Coming-up with new bulletin board ideas can be intimidating--sometimes we just feel exhausted and like our, "Creative-juices," aren't flowing! Thankfully, we have examples from other teachers to give us inspiration.
Some great bulletin boards can be found at Noblesville Methodist Preschool & PDO in Noblesville, Indiana where their classrooms had all kinds of stellar bulletin boards to give us some motivation!
Name Scrabble
Scrabble is a very popular board-game where people spell words out of little wooden tiles. This bulletin board takes that idea and uses it to make a big Scrabble-board out of all the student's names in a classroom cleverly linked together just like a real game of Scrabble!
Rainbow of Possibilities
This classroom has a teacher named, "Mrs. Brown," and she used the fact her name is a color to make a clever bulletin board about how her classroom is full of fun possibilities for learning via a metaphorical rainbow! Any teacher with a color in their name can do this too (or even if they don't have a color in their name and love rainbows).

We're Going to Have a Ball this Year!
One type of ball that is very popular is a gumball. They are sweet and exciting, just like students! With that idea in place this bulletin board represents students as little gumballs that feature their names and are in a big gumball machine.
Pac-Man and Other Retro Video-Games
Students are always fascinated by things that are, "Old," in their mind and kids also love video-games. With that in mind you can make a bulletin board that references a vintage video-game such as this clever Pac-Man one. With so many old-school video-games you can do plenty of other ideas if you don't want to use Pac-Man, be it a game like Joust with its knights and ostriches or Galaga with the spaceships and aliens!

Oh the Places You'll Go
This popular Dr. Seuss book also makes a funny bulletin board. As the picture shows, the teachers from the classroom have their picture in a little trailer/camper as if they are going on a trip--something that is sure to make preschool students laugh!

Anything's Popsicle With This Cool Bunch
This bulletin board is a prime example of how to do clever word-play. Instead of using the word, "Possible," this bulletin board substitutes, "Popsicle," which makes anyone reading it have to pause for a moment, think about the pun, and then most likely smile and laugh at how clever it is.

Spring Leaves Bulletin Board
This bulletin board is great for the Spring, as each green leaf blooming on a tree for Spring can represent a student (by putting their name in the leaf) and various cute pictures of animals can be included on the bulletin board too!

The Adventure Begins Here!
This bulletin board represents an exciting night-sky with student's names as the stars overlooking a quiet field with a tree and campfire. You can add more trees or anything else to such a scene that you like to make things extra-exciting!