Elsie Ayo
Different Kind of Tastes
HelIo everyone. I found this page so interesting and helpful and I just can't wait to share this one with you dear teachers. By the way, I am a public school teacher here in the Philippines. This is how I did the lesson about different tastes. I made use of printed materials and laminated these for long-term use. Every clipart of the child is represented by the different flavors. The children will select the food and place it inside the picture. There are lots of foods printed so that all of the children will have the chance to join the said activity. The kids loved and enjoyed the activity so much. It helped them familiarize themselves with the tastes of foods. It made them feel like those children in the pictures are indeed eating their favorite foods just like them. Looking at their faces happily encouraged me to adapt and look for more bright ideas such as on this page to collect free printable materials for my learners. I really hope I'll be able to have some of your printable materials for my children. Thank you so much and may God bless you always.