.Ava Jones
Fall Tree Craft for Preschoolers
At Little Angels Children Development Center in Hialeah, Florida the students had a fantastic time making their very own Fall tree crafts!
They drew and colored-in their very own tree and also cut-out leaves from construction paper that they then also drew on and pasted onto their tree picture to create a colorful Autumn tree.
You can do this activity with your class too and depending on how comfortable the students are with drawing their own trees or designing their own leaves you can use the templates below to assist those who would rather have an already-complete design to assist them with the craft's process.
Little Angels Children Development Center
Hialeah, Florida

Tree Template
Below is a template of a bare tree that students can paste their very own leaves upon!

Leaves Template
If you students do not want to design their own leaves they can use this template to have some pre-drawn leaves they can color and then cut-out to paste onto their tree.

Click Here for Even More Craft Ideas