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Farmers' Market Dramatic Play Activity

Farmers' Market Dramatic Play Activity

Farmers' Market Dramatic Play Activity

At Bright Beginnings Daycare/Preschool, the kids had a fantastic time engaging in dramatic play where they pretended to shop at a farmers' market! They used various skills as a part of their dramatic play as well!

Kids weighed the pretend food items with a food scale, this allowed them to read the scale and understand how many ounces or pounds a piece of pretend food was--which could impact the cost sometimes!

The children practiced adding-up the cost of the food whenever a customer would bring their purchase to the cash register! The kids excelled at using their math skills as they took the value of items and calculated the total food cost. Then kids paid with imaginary money or pretend credit cards--when fake money was used that also required counting. This was a great activity for math-skills!

Source for photos: Bright Beginnings Daycare/Preschool

Farmers' Market Dramatic Play Activity
September 29, 2020
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