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Groundhog Day Theme for Preschool

.Isabella Jones
Groundhog Day Theme for Preschool

Groundhog Day Theme for Preschool

At Wiz Kids Center in Brooklyn, New York, they celebrated an early Groundhog day by reading and learning all about shadows, creating their own groundhog craft, and using it to make a prediction about if the groundhog will see its shadow or not! It was a really fun assortment of activities!

Groundhog Craft

The students enjoyed making a groundhog out of construction paper. They used a big brown circle they attached ears, eyes, a nose, and a mouth to in addition to writing their name so as to create a groundhog!

Learning about Shadows

Everyone in the class had a ball learning about how shadows work! The teacher had a flashlight and used it in the class with the lights down to show the kids how they cast shadows!

Our Prediction

Children in the class predicted if they thought the groundhog would see his shadow or not by putting the groundhog they made out of craft paper on the, "Yes," side or, "No," side. After groundhog day happens they will know who was right or wrong!

Wiz Kids Center


Brooklyn, New York


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Groundhog Day Theme for Preschool
February 2, 2020
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